Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hats off parents with multiple children that have issues

Having 3 kids, a house, dog, husband that works long hours and a part-time job can be harrowing for the best of  us.  Worse if you work full time I would assume.

Now throw into the mix, all 3 children with some type of issue.  So now we are adding in doctors appointments, ER visits, regular family functions, advocating for your children, and normal stresses of life.  It gets to be a little much.

I can say I have a new appreciation for parents that have specialist appointments every day or a few every week. It can be nerve racking trying to coordinate  child care for 1 child, then take another one to an appointment, not to mention cooking dinner and cleaning up.

I am at least lucky with 2 of the children being older and able to pull some of the weight off when they decide to act like normal human beings and not the self centered teens that they are.

I am lucky with a husband that on his day off picks up slack and does things that I have yet to find time to accomplish.

I am learning how to take time out for me, and that is hard.  I mentally decided that when my oldest works late (after 8) my husband can do the bed time routine and I will leave to get her very early and go hang out at the book store.  I am also very lucky in having a job to where their view is your children first us second, even though I try not an push it, it is nice knowing.

I need to replenish my sanity level.  I have felt on the verge of burn out the past few weeks, and that is not good for anyone.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Words told to me in the fifth grade.
A girl had just come back from living with her family overseas for a few years.  It was a huge deal in our little school.  Everyone wanted to be this girl's friend including me. But I failed to win her over.  I don't remember how I even tried, to become her friend all I know is that it didn't work.

I do remember asking her why she didn't like me.  (now that I think about it wow was I blunt back then).  Her reply was you try to hard at getting me to like you.  Even thinking about that incident now makes me step back and go wow.

That was a pivotal point where I started not caring if people accepted me for me.  Granted it was a very small step but it was a step.  It was also a step of me starting to bounce from group to group of people trying to find my niche.  A niche that I never did find.

Now that I am an adult, I still find it hard to develop a friendship. I can do friendly chit chat with about anyone but to foster  it for longer than a few hours forget it. There are many acquaintances in my life but very few friends.  I still wonder where did I go wrong when growing up.  What piece of the puzzle in my developmental is missing for making friends.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sensory seeking

For those with nice neuro typical children or no children.  Quick non medical explanation of sensory seeking.

A child who thrives off of different sensory stimulation.   It could be water, sand play, physical swinging, bear hugs, or tactile play dough, clay or a combination.

For my son one of the things he loves are tights and nylons, even silky dress socks.  I thought I had gotten rid of all the knee highs over a year ago.  I was wrong. He found the only knee high in the house and put it on in a flash.  Then was looking for its mate that didn't exists. Well I took the opportunity to use his knee high passion to get some good behavior out of him and it worked.  Well said knee highs disappeared again and he hasn't said anything about them.

Until last night, I had to get some tights for myself and G found them.  He took off running with them thinking that I had bought them all for him.  I told him to get his grubby paws off my tights he looked at me and laughed saying they were his.  Nope not happening buddy, I wrestled him to the ground I was victorious I had my tights.  They went on a high shelf.  He then started in on his socks where were the offending items in question are no wear to be found. So he pouted for about 30 minutes.  Till something else came along for him to destroy.