Thursday, November 8, 2012

You're doing all the right things

It is a battle to figure out all the right things you should be doing for your child.  When your child has issues that battle becomes intensified.

The internet is my friend when it comes to fighting this battle. Without it I would be lost. My son's psychologist is also a staunch ally in telling/advising me on what to do. My online groups also have helped me through some dark hours.

Then there are the outside resource groups that people have founded, they went through what I am going through, and are there for the parents that need the help and guidance.

After all this hype, I have hit a wall. The wall of everyone telling me I am doing everything right, but if feels like nothing is being accomplished. I am at the point of where I have to wait on others for things to be done.
I don't like this wait. This wait is affecting my son, my family, and me.  I keep thinking there should be more I can do, but there isn't just this morning I have had 2 different people tell me you are doing the right thing, stay on the course you are on.

It hurts I want to help my son more and I can't.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why tell me why

As we all know autism is getting a lot of press.  Schools are trying to get on the ball an be more accommodating.  G couldn't handle a big general ed kindergarten, so it was decided to try in in a 6:1:1 class. Well in our district the only opening was in a school that launched a new classroom this year.  It is for autistic children a 6:1:1 classroom.  That means 6 kids to 1 teacher, and 1 aide.

Well in theory the class should be great.  Oh wait the teacher has next to nothing for sensory items.  She brings in her own rice, stringing beads and any other sensory items that she can afford.  When a child has a meltdown there are no safe rooms for them to go to.  Oh and when a child melts down and has anger issues the schools response is to suspend them.  Way to teach an autistic child how to cope.

Yep yeah for the school to have a classroom for autistic kids, but boo for no supports