Thursday, August 9, 2012

Can you see the logic

So yesterday G teacher calls saying on how they have had a better day.  But he did bite a kid, but it wasn't completely G's.  The teacher stated that in G's defense, the kid was kinda being a bully.   First the kid took a toy away from G.  Then the kid was taunting G that he had the toy and G didn't well G took matters into his own mouth.  Now G has been told before that when a child is bugging him to use his words and tell a teacher.  The teacher tried to reach the situation in time but was to late.

The teacher then talked to G to find out why he did it to see if he could verbalize what was going through his head.  Well there was logic, in a round about way.  G was anxious.  The anxiety came out this way. The class was heading down to a different room where a clown would be.  We have discovered that G doesn't like any, dressed up creatures, be it Elmo, Barney or come to find out clowns.  The teacher did ask G why doesn't he like clowns, G reply they give out peanuts.  Well G is allergic to peanuts so there is logic. 

Now as to where he made the correlation that clowns give out peanuts remains to be seen.  I think it has to do when during the year they did a circus theme, but then again I could be wrong that happens frequently. 

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