Sunday, August 28, 2011


*gasp* I was willing to say the word out in public.

I use to envy people who had religion, or so I thought.  What I didn't understand was how I could feel like this.  I believe in a higher power.  I try my best to always choose the correct path, but damn sometimes those little branches in the path get in my way and I get side tracked.  But in the end I end up back on the correct path.  I teach my kids the basics.  We have morals.  We practice do unto others as you would have done unto you.  Yet I thought I was missing something.

It came to me I have religion in my own way.  What I was envying, was the fact people had a church.  They had the sense of community that I don't have.  One either Saturday nights or Sundays, they have a place to go to share their beliefs.  This is what I lack.  I have been to several churches and not one of them have ever stood out.  I didn't get warm fuzzies by entering.  People didn't notice that there was a new person standing in their midst.  I am not saying that I would go once and then never again.  Tried it a couple of times, same results. 

Maybe one day I will find the open arms I am seeking.  When I do then I know I have found what I am looking for.  Until that time, I will still look for opportunities to show my children the ways of being nice.  Helping someone out even if you don't know them.  Holding the door for strangers, because, it is nice. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I believe in a higher power as well, but there are parts of every religion that I disagree with, and I have never found a church that I felt at home with. Our family motto is also "treat others how you want to be treated." I also teach my children about god, I just don't attend a church to do so. I also envy people who are religious and can just turn their problems over to god. There is always a part of me that is skeptical. Doesn't god have way bigger problems to worry about them my petty ones? However, I see the comfort that other people get from that and I am envious.
